School Libre Junior

Company Description

Located in the suburban city of Suwon, South Korea, our school is dedicated to creating a joyful and engaging learning environment for students aged 7 to 14. With passionate teachers who bring lessons to life, we strive to make learning both fun and meaningful. Through interactive activities and a supportive atmosphere, we help students develop their English skills with confidence and enthusiasm.

Company Detail

Is Email Verified: : Yes
Total Employees: : 1-10
Established In: : 2023
Current jobs: : 8

Job Openings History

Here you can see all job posted by school or employer.

Libre Junior is Looking for Native English Teachers Full Time

Libre Junior English School is looking for Native English Teachers to work and teach in Korea. Qualifications    ■ Only citizens of the U...

Libre Junior is Looking for Native English Teachers Full Time

Libre Junior English School is looking for Native English Teachers to work and teach in Korea. Qualifications    ■ Only citizens of the U...

Libre Junior is Looking for Native English Teachers Full Time

Libre Junior English School is looking for Native English Teachers to work and teach in Korea. Qualifications    ■ Only citizens of the U...

Looking for English Teachers to Teach in Korea Full Time

<About school> Libre Junior is an English education brand that pursues interactive learning atmosphere and grow motivated learners. Transportati...

Looking for English Teachers to Teach in Korea Full Time

  Libre Junior is an English education brand that pursues interactive learning atmosphere and grow motivated learners. Transportation & Acc...

Looking for English Teachers to Teach in Korea Full Time

  Libre Junior is an English education brand that pursues interactive learning atmosphere and grow motivated learners. Transportation & Acc...

Libre Junior English School is looking for Native English Teachers to work and t Substitute

  Libre Junior English School is looking for Native English Teachers to work and teach in Korea. Qualifications    ■ Only citizens of the USA, Can...