Job Detail

Location: : , Seoul, Korea South
Company: : ACE Career Consulting
Type: : Full Time
Shift: : First Shift (Day)
Positions: : 30
Experience: : 1 Year
Gender: : No Preference
Degree: : Bachelors
Apply Before: : Jul 01, 2021

Job Description



ACE Career Consulting is striving every day to raise the standards in Korea's ESL industry. We are a reliable and ethical company in Korea to offer valuable job positions and authorized and licensed recruiting agency by government. We are established since 2007 and placed tons of Native English teachers and F4 or F series visa teachers to schools nationwide.

We are currently looking for qualified English teachers who would like to enjoy teaching English in South Korea. We have qualified School teaching positions available nationwide. Please see below ACE Job opening list.


We have more positions except for below positions since teaching positions are being updated every day. Please follow [replace] and you can see teaching positions being updated every day.

Therefore, Please email us your resume and recent colored photo to [replace] and then we will do our best to find a right job for you.

Only selected candidates will be contacted by ACE Recruiter.


Are you ready E2 visa Documents?

For US, UK,Canadian, Australia, New Zealand, Irish, South African

- 1 Apostilled Copy of Diploma

- 1 Apostilled National Clean Criminal Record Certificate (Must be federal, not state);

For Canadian, Copy of original diploma and Clean RCMP criminal background check should have notarized stamp from Korean consulate.


========Teaching Adults Position ==========================


[8-468] Location: GwangjinGu, Seoul

Teaching level: Adults, University Students.

Working hrs: M~F: 9am~4pm ( Teaching 6 hrs per a day )

Starting date: Sept 1st, 2021

Monthly Salary: 2.4~2.5 mil kwon

* One month vacation per a yr.

( Housing allowance( 400,000 Kwon), medical insurance, end of bonus and visa sponsor, paid holidays, No air ticket )

Prefer Teacher staying in Korea now.  Education B.A or B.S or Master degree holder & Certified Teacher.

( E2,F4,F5, F6 visa okay: American, English, Canadian teacher staying in Korea now  )


======= INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL================


[7-93-1] Location: Bundang ( international school )

Teaching level; Middle- high school

  1. Social Studies ( 1 person ) – American Gyopo or F visa holder
  • - Social studies: In charge of middle and high school (G5~G10) social studies (world history, geography, social studies, etc.) of the U.S. curriculum for 25 hours a week.
  1. English ( 1 Person )- American Gyopo or F visa holder, E2 visa holder
  • 25 hours per week of the United States a middle and high school (There's five to eight g g) and reading writing for class.

Working hrs: 7:40am~4:40pm

– Teaching Hours : 25 hours

– Class Size : Maximum 15 Students

Starting date: Aug 2nd, 2021

Salary: 2.4~3.2 mil kwon

Qualifications: Prefer U.S. and North American elementary, middle and high school graduates who are eligible for middle and high school social studies/secondary English classes, related majors, teacher certificates, and U.S. middle and international school teachers.


Full benefits(air ticket, single housing or housing allowance( 500,000kwon) , medical insurance, end of bonus and visa sponsor,National pension, 9 weeks holiday)



[7-93-2] Location: Bundang (international school )

Teaching level; Middle- high school (Math and Science teacher)

Working hrs: 7:40am~4:40pm

– Teaching Hours : 25 hours

– Class Size : Maximum 15 Students

Starting date: Aug 1st, 2021

Salary: 2.4~3.2 mil kwon


Full benefits(air ticket, single housing or housing allowance, medical insurance, end of bonus and visa sponsor,National pension, 9 weeks holiday)

Prefer education degree, Certified teacher.

* North American Gyopo, F4 or F6 visa. Korean only


[7-93-3] Location: Bundang ( international school )

Position: ELL teacher position and IT teaching and Bible Studies

( would like to hire an ELL instructor who will teach grammar, writing, reading, and speaking classes for elementary and middle school students who lack English to enter regular classes among U.S. curriculum students.)

Responsible for 12 hours of IT classes and 13 hours of ELL-related classes among 25 hours of classes per week.

Qualification requirements: E2 or F visa as a Korean-American or Canadian or North American instructor.

Working hrs: 7:40am~4:40pm

– Teaching Hours : 25 hours

– Class Size : Maximum 15 Students

Starting date: Aug 2nd, 2021

Salary: 2.3~2.6mil kwon


Full benefits(air ticket, single housing or housing allowance, medical insurance, end of bonus and visa sponsor,National pension, 9 weeks holiday)

Prefer education degree, Certified teacher.

  1. E2 visa, F4 or F6 visa.



[7-93-4] Location: Bundang ( international school )

Position: Elementary HomeRoom Teacher( Grade 2 or 3 )

Eligibility Requirements:

- Prefer U.S. and North American secondary school and college graduates who are eligible for major courses in the U.S. curriculum, U.S. or Canadian teaching certificates, and who have experience in primary or international schools in the U.S.


Main duties: English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Sciences classes (25 hours a week) in the United States curriculum and homeroom teacher work.


Working hrs: 7:40am~4:40pm

– Teaching Hours : 25 hours

– Class Size : Maximum 15 Students

Starting date: Aug 2nd, 2021

Salary: 2.3~2.8 mil kwon


Full benefits(air ticket, single housing or housing allowance, medical insurance, end of bonus and visa sponsor,National pension, 9 weeks holiday)


  1. F4 (American or Canadian Gyopo) or American or Canadian F visa holder.




======== SEOUL CITY ==============================


 [8-463] Location: HannamDong in Seoul

Teaching level: Kinder

Working hrs: 8:30~5:30

Starting date: Jun, 2021

Salary: 2.2 mil kwon~ nego

Full benefits( air ticket, single housing, medical insurance, end of bonus ,National pension and visa sponsor, paid holiday)

*A teacher with at least 3 yrs teaching experiences and staying in Korea now.


[2-15] Location: Gangseo, Seoul

Location Information: [replace]Gangseo-gu?fbclid=IwAR3OnAe_p7hH0eh7ShBD22wSfR4ZxJcQqexQCPxsti5snrArrXOsFAK06xQ" target="_blank" style="color:blue; text-decoration:underline">[replace]Gangseo-gu

Start Date: ASAP

Working Hour: M-F: 9:30am~6:30pm

Teaching Level: Teaching Kinder-Elementary

Salary: Nego

Full benefits (air ticket, single housing, medical insurance, end of bonus and visa sponsor,National pension,holiday)


[8-449] Location: Gwanak,Dongjak, Central Seoul

No of positions: 3

Teaching level: Kinder-elementary

Working hrs: 9am~6:10pm or 10am~7pm

Starting date: Aug(2), Spet(2),Nov(1), 2021

Salary: 2.1~2.5 mil kwon

Full benefits(air ticket, single housing, medical insurance,National pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holiday)


[6-212] Location: Gangbuk in Seoul

Age Group : Primary ~ Middle school students

– Contract Type : Full Time

– Starting Date : Aug,2021

– Working Schedule : 1 PM ~ 9 PM, M-F

– Teaching Hours : 30 hours

– Class Size : Maximum of 12 students per class

– Salary : 2.1 ~ 2.3 M KRW (depending on credentials)

Full benefits(air ticket, Single housing, medical insurance, National Pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holidays)


[7-76]Location: GangSeo,Seoul

Teaching level: Kinder-elementary

Working hrs: 9am~6pm

Starting date; Jun 1st(1), July 1st(1),2021

Salary: Nego

Full benefits(air ticket, single housing, medical insurance,National pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holiday)


 [7-41] Location : Nowongu,Seoul city

Teaching level: Elementary

Working hrs: 1-8pm

Starting date: Jun 14th,2021

Salary: 2.0~2.5 mil kwon

*Candidate Requirements: prefer candidates who are English/Linguistics major

- US, Canadian teacher staying in Korea now.

Full benefits(air ticket, Single housing, medical insurance, National Pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holiday)


[5-23] Location: Central Seoul

Teaching level: Kinder-elementary

Working hrs: 9am~6pm

Salary: Nego

Starting date: Late Jun(1),2021

Full benefits(air ticket, Single housing, medical insurance, National Pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holidays)


[8-79] Location: Mokdong in Seoul

Teaching level:  Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Primary school students

– Contract Type : Full Time

– Starting Date : 2021-08-01

– Working Schedule : M,W,F 9 AM ~ 6:10 PM | T, Th 9 AM ~ 7 PM

– Teaching Hours : 32 hours per week

– Class Size : Maximum of 12 Students per class

Salary : 2.6 M KRW+ (depending on credentials)

Full benefits(air ticket, Single housing, medical insurance, National Pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holidays)


[8-385] Location: AmsaDong,Gangdong in Seoul

Teaching level: Kinder

Working hrs: M~F: 8:40~17:40

Teaching Hours : 25 hours

Starting date: Aug 1st, 2021

Salary: 2.4 mil kwon~ nego

* Candidate Requirements: Must be in Korea / prefer candidates who have taught in Korea

Full benefits(air ticket, Single housing, medical insurance, National Pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holidays)


[6-183]Location: Gangnam in Seoul

Teaching level: Elementary-Middle school

Working hrs: 2-10pm

Starting date: Aug 1st, 2021

Salary:2.6~2.8 mil kwon

Full benefits(air ticket, Single housing, medical insurance, National Pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holidays)


[8-469] Location: GangdongGu in Seoul

Teaching level: Kinder-elementary

Working hrs: MWF: 9am~6pm/ TT: 9am~6:45pm

Starting date: Late Aug, 2021

Salary: 2.3 mil~ nego

Full benefits(air ticket, Single housing, medical insurance, National Pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holidays)



[8-475]Location: GangdongGu in Seoul


Teaching level: Kinder-elementary

Working hrs: MWF; 9-6pm TT;9-6;30pm

Salary: 2.4 mil kwon~ 2.8 mil kwon ( nego )

Starting date: Late Aug, 2021

Full benefits( air ticket, Single housing, medical insurance, end of bonus ,National pension and visa sponsor, holiday)


 [3-2] Location: Gangdonggu Seoul(#8 Gangdong gucheong station)

 City info: [replace]

Teaching level: Kinder-elementary

Working hours: 10AM-6PM

Teaching Hours: 30 hours a week

Salary: 2.3-2.4million won

Starting date; Aug, 2021

Full benefits(air ticket, single housing, medical insurance, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holiday)


 [8-4] Location: ChungDahm Dong, Seoul ( GangNam area )

Teaching level: 4 yrs old ( Kinder )

Working hrs: 8:30am~5;20pm

Salary: nego

Starting date: Mid Aug, 2021

Full benefits( air ticket, single housing, medical insurance, National Pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holiday)


[8-434] Location: Jamsil ( GangNam area ) in Seoul city

Location info:

[replace]I[replace]" target="_blank" style="color:blue; text-decoration:underline">[replace]I[replace]

Number of position: 1
Teaching Hours: 30 hours a week: 9:30 am~6:30 pm
Teaching Level : Kinder to Elementary
Salary : Nego
Starting date: Mid~Late Aug, 2021


Full benefits(air ticket, single housing, medical insurance,National pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holidays)


[8-451]Location: Gwangjin, Seoul

Teaching level: Kinder-elementary

Working hrs: 9am-6pm

Starting date: Aug,2021

Salary: Nego


Full benefits(air ticket, single housing, medical insurance,National pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holidays)



[6-182]Location: Gangnam in Seoul

Teaching level: Elementary-Middle school

Working hrs: 2-10pm

Starting date: :2021-09-01

Salary:: 2.4 ~2.8 M KRW

Full benefits(air ticket, single housing, medical insurance,National pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holidays)

*Job Requirements: TEFL/TESOL | At least 1-year teaching experience is required. Students. TOEFL or debate teaching experience preferred.


[8-464] Location: Seongdong in Seoul

School Type : Public Sector

Age Group : Elementary ~ Middle School

Starting Date : 2021-09-01

Working Schedule : 8:30 AM ~ 5:30 PM, M-F

Salary : 3.0 M KRW

Flight Support : Yes / for exit

Housing Type : Housing Allowance (600,000 won per month)

Paid Vacation Days : 15 days | Weekend Excluded

Sick Days : 7 days

**Candidate Requirements: Must be in Korea | Prefer candidates who have taught in a public school in Korea | Should have one of the following; TEFL/TESOL certificate, Education/English/Linguistics major, or Teacher’s license

Full benefits(air ticket, single housing, medical insurance,National pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holidays)



 [8-465] Location: Daechi Dong in GangNam, Seoul

Teaching level: Primary

Starting Date : 2021-08-30 ( 1-year commitment )

Working Schedule : 2:30 PM – 10:00 PM, M-F

Teaching Hours : 30 hours per week

Salary : 2.5 M KRW

Flight Support : One way / for entry

**Candidate Requirements: Must be in Korea or have formal teaching experience in Korea / prefer candidates who are Korean-English bilingual speaker and who can do an in-person interview

Full benefits(air ticket, Single housing, medical insurance, National Pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holiday)


[8-466] Location: Gwangjin, Seoul

Age Group : Primary,Secondary

Contract Type : Full Time

Starting Date : 2021-08-01

Working Schedule : 8:20 AM ~ 5:00 PM, M-F

Teaching Hours : 25 hours

Class Size : Maximum 15 Students


Salary : 2.5 ~ M KRW

Flight Support : No Support

Housing Type : No Housing

Paid Vacation Days : 30 days | Weekend Excluded

Sick Days : 3 days


**Job Requirements: PGCE,TEFL/TESOL | Christian Preferred, F visa a must

Full benefits(air ticket, Single housing, medical insurance, National Pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holiday)


[8-476] Location: Mokdong in Seoul

Teaching level:  young kids (4-7 years)

Working hrs: 9:30~5:30 (Mon~Fri)

- 29 classes a week (40mins), Finishes all classes at 4:10

- 3 Foreign teachers, 7 Korean English teachers

Starting date: Sept 1st, 2021

Salary: Nego

Full benefits(air ticket, single housing, medical insurance,National pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holidays)


[8-477] Location: Shinchon in Central Seoul

Teaching level: Kinder-elementary

Working hrs: 9:40am~6:40pm ( M~F)

Salary: 2.2~2.3 mil kwon

Starting date: Aug 1st or Spet 1st, 2021

Vacation: Summer- 5 days, Winter-6 days

Sick days: 3 days

Full benefits(air ticket, single housing, medical insurance,National pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holidays)


[2-16] Location: Songpa in Seoul

Teaching level: Kinder-elementary

Working hrs: 9:00AM – 6:30PM

Starting date: Late Aug,2021

Salary: nego


Full benefits(air ticket, single housing, medical insurance,National pension, end of bonus and visa sponsor, holidays)


******** How to apply


Please email your formal resume and colored recent photo to [replace]

With the following fields: ( Pls don’t fill out our application form on

Homepage )


* Teaching Experience ( ex. 2 yrs ):

* Nationality:

* Available Start date:

* Year of Birth:

* Marital status

* Preferred Location :

* Expected Salary Range:

* Your minimum expected salary:

* Your current location:

* Your current visa type:

* Preferred teaching age :

* Tel # or Skype ID that We can reach you:

* Could you tell me the reason you want to leave a current school:

* If you are working at a school in Korea, When is your current contract finished? And will you go back to your hometown for vacation?

* Necessary E2 visa Documents that you have now :

* Have you ever received treatment for mental or emotional disorders or do you have any serious disease for the last 5 years?

* Could you let me know your last school's TEL number or current school’s TEL number for reference check if you worked in Korea before?

To apply, email [replace]


To apply, email [replace]

Job is expired

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Company Overview

ACE Career Consulting

ACE Career Consulting was established in 2007 and was founded with the belief that providing Korea’s future leaders access to highly qualified native English speakers will help them attain fluency in English and develop a globalize worldwide th... Read More

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